Our Southeast Asian Adventure
Our Southeast Asian Adventure
In February 2010 we embarked on a very long flight followed by a short stay, a two week cruise and another short stay in a part of the world we not only had never been to but never thought we would travel to in our lives—Southeast Asia.
Read along as we tell the story and review all the parts of our journey from our flights on Cathay Pacific Airlines to our 14 day cruise on the Azamara Quest to our pre-cruise stay in Singapore and our post-cruise stay in Hong Kong.
At the top of the page are links to our photos and each part of our journey. We hope you are informed and entertained. It was an outstanding trip. Maybe our best cruise ever. We were lucky enough to be traveling with a bunch of great friends and had one of the best times of our lives.
We would do it again in instant. Really!
If you aren’t willing to have an adventure, then why go at all?
—Merabeth Dyer
Welcome to our Asian Adventure